Part of being a worshipping songwriter is that when you read something, or hear a quote or a poem, or even a sermon - when you take notice of the words you hear and read, they almost always get transformed into a song. And as a worshipper, my heart and my mind immediately go into 'how can this be made into a song that glorifies God?'
I want to give a little example of how this came about recently (and some of you may have seen a post on social media about it). I was reading (as I love to do) one of my son's books he has to read for school. We were working on some questions he had to answer, and I came across this quote in the book, 'The last Battle' - the final book in the Narnia Series, by C.S. Lewis; “Their prison is only in their own minds, yet they are in that prison; and are so afraid of being taken in that they cannot be taken out’. This was said by Aslan, about the dwarves that had just entered into what looked like a little dirty stable to them, but in reality was actually Narnia, and freedom. They were so afraid of being conned, that they refused to see what was right in front of them. This had me thinking that so many people today are afraid to accept the reality that freedom in Jesus is right there for the taking! They only have to look up, and receive his forgiveness.
As I was pondering on this thought, I asked the Holy Spirit, 'is this the next song you want me to write? Because if it is, I need the words'. You see, what I had been thinking on for the past few weeks was, all the amazing Co-writes I'd been a part of and that I hadn't actually written a song on my own for quite a while. I was feeling a bit unsure and maybe even a little bit of the old thoughts of not being good enough were creeping in.
So, when I asked that question, some words began to flow. I thought about people in my life, and people I've seen and heard, and these are some of the words that came, 'Walking down this road, feeling so unsure. How could I ever know a love that's so secure. I'm tired of going the same way that leads to nowhere. I'm taking that leap of faith and jumping in to somewhere'. Now, It might not seem like much as is, but I really felt the Lord saying that so many people are afraid to be loved completely, because they've only ever known a counterfeit love. They feel like they're going round in circles, unable to really trust anyone. They don't want to be 'taken in', or taken for a ride, so they stay in the prison in their minds, because it's easier than getting your hopes up!
I truly love to write songs that bring people hope, and also tell of the love of God, that is real and honest. I just want everyone to know the truth of Jesus, and the reality that they can have in Him and with Him. It's a beautiful life, if you allow the holy Spirit to have His way in you and through you.
I hope these posts are encouraging you, and I look forward to sharing more with you on worshipping, songwriting and whatever else God puts on my heart!